Credit cards have become the trend for decades. Most people are not using cash for payments anymore since you can just swipe a credit card for anything that you want to purchase. However, using a credit card needs a huge dose of responsibility. If you know how to use it responsibly, then you can get an extra protection on your purchases. Some credit card companies even offer cashback or rewards.
OCBC or Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited is one of the best publicly financial listed financial services organizations mainly based in Singapore. This is the second largest bank in Southeast Asia. They currently have different kinds of credit cards for you to be able to take advantage of exclusive privileges.
OCBC Credit Cards: What’s the Difference?
You might wonder why a bank would have different kinds of credit cards. OCBC is included in the banks that have quite a number of credit cards for you to choose from. If you visit their website, you will be able to get the information about the different credit cards that they offer, as well as the benefit of each. You can even visit here to compare Malaysia credit cards.
- OCBC 365 Mastercard. This MasterCard from OCBC does not have any caps on a rebate. It has 1.0% rebate offer in the first month that you spend RM1,000. It also offers 0.5% rebate on the subsequent RM1,000 that you spent. Your annual fee will also be waived on the first year.
- OCBC Titanium MasterCard. This MasterCard also has no cap on its rebates. The rebate on online transactions and overseas spending would be 1%, and 0.1% on all other retail purchases. With this card, there is no annual fee required.
- OCBC Great Eastern Platinum Mastercard. With this MasterCard, you will receive a complimentary RM100,000 Insurance coverage on death or on total and permanent disability. This will only be applicable for principal cardmember in the first year. For 12 months, there will be 0% Auto-IPP for Great Eastern or Overseas assurance Corporation Insurance with a minimum premium of RB2,200.
- OCBC Cashflow Mastercard. This Mastercard does not have caps on its rebates. The rebate on all retail purchases will be 0.5%. There will also be a 3-month Auto-IPP for retail transactions of between RM500 and RM1,000. A 6-month Auto-IPP for any retail purchases that are above RM1,000. And also, a 12-month Auto-IPP for Great Eastern/Overseas Assurance Corporation Insurance Premium transactions with a minimum of RM2,200.
- OCBC World Mastercard. There will be no cap on rebates with this Mastercard. A rebate of 1.2% will be rewarded on the first RM1,000 spent on every statement per cycle. A 0.6% rebate for the amount spent after and 2X free access annually to KLIA Plaza Premium Lounge. This will also include Travel Accident Insurance.
As mentioned above, credit cards are must-haves when you are a person who is always on-the-go. If you don’t like bringing cash with you, and if it is not a needed option for your transactions, then enrolling for one of these credit cards from OCBC will be the best for you. Here, you will have different options to choose from, depending on your credit card needs.